SEO Keyword Research is the where we scour Google search data to determine what SEO keywords and phrases are generating search, experiencing competition, and align with the terms you use to describe your business. In short, we are searching for opportunities to exploit by laying the foundation and targeting keywords people are actually searching on.

SEO Keyword Strategy

The first step in our keyword research process is laying out our SEO Keyword Strategy. Here we’ll discuss what terms, phrases, and keywords best describe your business, who your competitors are, your key growth areas, and what your goals are for the website.  With these details we can formulate a winning keyword strategy for organic search.

Keyword Analysis

Here is where the really heavy lifting begins – the data analysis. In this phase we’ll be scouring thousands of SEO keywords, and keyword themes, to identify those which line up with your business and your goals, generate search traffic, are relevant, whose competition level is known, and are terms we can reasonably expect to compete for.

SEO Keyword Tool

The results of our Keyword Analysis are shared in our SEO Keyword Tool. The Keyword Tool contains every keyword and phrase we researched (thousands of them), its search data, its competition level, its cost if you were to pay for clicks (see our SEM section for more on that), and an overall score indicating how attractive a term is given all of these variables. This is the magic right here. It’s your tool, and it may be filtered, sorted, categorized, and sliced and diced in any way necessary. It’s a tool you will refer to for every new page, every blog post, every discussion of what service or product you want to offer next.

Example of our SEO Keyword Tool

SEO Audit Example

This is your tool to filter, sort, categorize, slice and dice in any way necessary. It’s a tool you will refer to for every new page, every blog post, every discussion of what service or product you want to offer next.

SEO Input

Once the SEO keyword tool is in ready, we’ll use that to identify the most compelling keywords, and we’ll begin organizing the most relevant changes to take place on a page-by-page basis. We’ll lay out the SEO changes to the Page Titles, H1s, h2s, h3s, meta descriptions, canonical tags, URLS, and more. The final result is an implementation plan for the sites SEO changes.

Example of our SEO Input

SEO Audit Example

Input Implementation

After reviewing our SEO recommendations with you, we’ll make the necessary adjustments, and then we’ll shift our focus to implementing those items across the pages of your website.